
Get inspired and try these creative recipes at home to discover a new side to your favourite cheese. There is something for every taste: from instant snacks for hungry mouths to exquisite festive menus for gourmets.

Quick and easy cheese recipes

Pancakes using Emmentaler AOP

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Apple and red cabbage salad with Emmentaler AOP

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Tomatoes stuffed with rice and Emmentaler AOP

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A traditional snack using Emmentaler AOP

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Emmentaler & Scrambled Eggs in a Bread Roll

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Thai slices with Emmentaler AOP

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Asparagus salad with walnuts and Emmentaler AOP

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Summer recipes

A traditional snack using Emmentaler AOP

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Lentil and potato salad with thyme pesto

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Cucumber and radish salad in apple dressing

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cheesy gelb

With these decorating ideas, you’ll create little works of art on your apéritif table and ensure that your message is well received.

Recipes by Zoe Torinesi

Zoe Torinesi's Leek and onion quiche with bacon

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Zoe Torinesis vegetable galette with Emmentaler AOP – thyme pastry

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Sablés with Emmentaler AOP and rosemary

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Zoe Torinesis Kings’ cake with cave-aged Emmentaler, thyme and walnuts

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The most popular recipes

Enchiladas with Chicken, Guacamole and Crème fraiche

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"Zmorge" scrambled eggs

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Cheese tart with leek

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Recipes with cheese specialties

Pasta-potato salad with beans in a parsley sauce
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Emmentaler AOP pepper salad
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Seasonal highlights

Spring salad with Emmentaler

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Baked potatoes with mascarpone and Emmentaler AOP

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Cheesecake with lamb's lettuce and orange salad

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